About Us
Welcome to Benjamin Banneker Elementary School! We are glad to have you visit our webpage to learn more about our school and its many activities. We are located at 449 North Street, Milford, Delaware. Our motto is “Banneker School where there is no limit to learning.” At Banneker we make learning fun and exciting.
Students at Banneker Elementary School participate in all regular 1-5 curriculum areas (Math, Language Arts, Science, & Social Studies) and attend "specials" classes weekly in Art/Chorus, Physical Education, Library and Computer Lab. In addition, we enhance our learning experiences through participation in both off-site and on-site field trips, assembly programs that highlight cultural arts, academics, and technology.
We believe in using technology to enhance our curriculum so we have SMART boards and computers in every classroom. In addition, we have a computer lab and a "technology" specials class. Every classroom also has access to chrome book cards. We have a very active PTP that provides additional funding and support for our programs, and parent volunteers who assist us in all areas of the school. Combine tremendous parental support with a talented and dedicated faculty and you have a wonderful school---Banneker Elementary!
Banneker is a very child centered school, where each student is respected for his/her uniqueness and is taught accordingly. We believe that every child can learn so we never give up. Learning is enhanced in a positive, nurturing and disciplined environment. We ask students to do their B.E.S.T. (Be Responsible, Express Respect, Safety First, Teamwork) which is a part of our PBS program and give out BUC Tickets for student effort, behavior, etc.
We encourage your participation with regard to our continuing school improvement. Your continued commitment to education is valued and appreciated. Thank you again for visiting us. If you should have any questions concerning our school, please contact us.
BES Unity Day Picture 2023
The mission of Milford School District is to provide all learners a comprehensive, individualized education in a safe, supportive, rigorous environment where learners are prepared to grow and thrive in a global society.
Milford school district students will be prepared with the attributes, knowledge, and skills to fulfill their life pursuits.
To accomplish this we will focus on four main components:
Supporting the Whole Student– Supporting each student's social, emotional, and behavioral well being
Academic Excellence– Equitable access to academic excellence and high-quality instruction
Empowering and Investing in Our People – Recognizing that the people who work in Milford are the driving force behind its success
Building Our Future – Evaluation, planning, and future development of district facilities and systems of engagement